Bryan Danielson challenges Zack Sabre Jr. in a two-out-of three falls match

February 11, 2024 | By Administrator | Filed in: NJPW, Wrestling.

Bryan Danielson challenges Zack Sabre Jr. in a two-out-of three falls match in todays Wrestling news

Bryan Danielson challenges Zack Sabre Jr. in a two-out-of three falls match in todays Wrestling news

ZSJ defeated Danielson in today’s Osaka show.

Bryan Danielson has not finished with Zack Sabre Jr.

Danielson challenged ZSJ to a two-out-of-three-falls match on neutral grounds after ZSJ defeated Danielson at Sunday’s NJPW New Beginning in Osaka.

Danielson said

Zack Sabre Jr. is the best technical wrestler of all time. I hope that the Japanese fans enjoy every opportunity to see him.

Danielson continued.

I didn’t tap, but he caught it. If I’m going give myself the benefit-of-the doubt, I might want to have one more. I beat him in AEW and he beat me on New Japan. I say let’s do two out three falls somewhere neutral ground, and I will leave it at that.

We’ll find a promoter anywhere in the world that wants to do a match of two out three falls with me and Zack Sabre Jr. Thank you guys and God bless New Japan. I love this place.

Danielson defeated ZSJ last year at AEW’s WrestleDream event in Seattle. Dave Meltzer gave the match five-and-a half stars. It was their first match since 2009.

Danielson defeated ZSJ during their first match, which was a match with two out of three falls. ZSJ defeated Danielson the following year in WXW’s 16 Carat Gold Tournament in Germany.

Bryan Danielson challenges Zack Sabre Jr. in a two-out-of three falls match in todays Wrestling news, Chatalong Chatbox, Results will be Hidden inside a spoiler Button so you will not bet spoiled about direct results.


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