Gia Miller signs a new three-year contract for TNA Wrestling

July 2, 2024 | By Administrator | Filed in: ImpactWrestling, TNA, Wrestling.

Gia Miller signs a new three-year contract for TNA Wrestling in todays Wrestling news

Gia Miller, the TNA Wrestling backstage reporter who I interviewed exclusively and was later confirmed by TNA, has resigned with TNA Wrestling for an additional three-year period.

Miller has been an interviewer behind the scenes for TNA since 2019. She wants to stay with TNA as long as she is wanted.

She said that the company had both trained her and allowed her to grow into a role as a backstage reporter. TNA was the first company to give her an opportunity, despite her background in broadcast journalism.

“Not only has it raised me from nothing and helped me grow so much, but it is also an amazing place to work.” The people who work in the company, both those you see on screen and those you don’t, are so wonderful and have really become my family. “I want to stay there till the wheels fall off baby,” she said.

Miller said that she is grateful to TNA for still wanting her on the show.

“I am so grateful that we became TNA as things changed and grew. It’s an entirely new era, and they want me still to be a part. We’re always growing and getting better and bigger, and they want me to be around for that…I’ve even had people tell me, you know, that you were a part. It’s not lost to me how important that is.”

“As a TNA fan and a wrestling fan that is just otherworldly. I don’t take this for granted.”

Gia Miller signs a new three-year contract for TNA Wrestling in todays Wrestling news, Chatalong Chatbox, Results will be Hidden inside a spoiler Button so you will not bet spoiled about direct results.


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