Kota Ibushi celebrates 20th anniversary of the company with a five-minute exhibit

June 20, 2024 | By Administrator | Filed in: OtherWrestling, Wrestling.

Kota Ibushi celebrates 20th anniversary of the company with a five-minute exhibit in todays Wrestling news

Kota Ibushi, who is still recovering from an injury, plans to celebrate the 20th anniversary since his pro wrestling debut.

Ibushi will compete at a five-minute show on July 1, 20 years after his first match. The exhibition coincides with the Japanese promotion GLEAT’s third anniversary show, which is being held at Tokyo Dome City Hall.

GLEAT tweeted Ibushi’s gratitude to fans for this exhibition, even though he is still injured. Ibushi thanked GLEAT’s president and said he would give it his best, no matter who he faced.

Ibushi has been plagued by injuries for the last few years. He was out of action for a shoulder injury from October 2021 until March 2023. After his return, he didn’t look 100 percent. He had surgery in January after he injured both his ankles.

Ibushi had not wrestled since he faced Naomichi Marufuji in Pro Wrestling NOAH back in January. He was injured before the match, and then further injured both his ankles. Ibushi apologized to the audience for his performance, and for how his injuries ruined this match.

Ibushi signed a contract with AEW last year, which allows him to wrestle for other promotions within Japan.

Ibushi posted an update on social media this past week indicating that he is now feeling 85 percent healthier.

“Of Course, if my doctor in Japan says that I can compete, then I will report to AEW immediately and return,” he wrote. “I’m now 85% alive.” Please wait for a few more seconds.”

Kota Ibushi celebrates 20th anniversary of the company with a five-minute exhibit in todays Wrestling news, Chatalong Chatbox, Results will be Hidden inside a spoiler Button so you will not bet spoiled about direct results.


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