MJF will kick off this week’s AEW collision

July 4, 2024 | By Administrator | Filed in: AEW, Wrestling.

MJF will kick off this week's AEW collision in todays Wrestling news

Collision will begin this Saturday after MJF has taken on Daniel Garcia in Wednesday’s AEW Dynamics.

MJF sent Garcia to the ring to defend his International title against Will Ospreay in Wednesday’s Dynamite. He then delivered a low blow to Garcia, before punching him with the Dynamite Diamond ring and hitting a tombstone from the second rope. This sealed his heel turn. MJF, the newly-turned heel, was announced to kick off Saturday’s Collision by a promo.

The second Owen Hart Foundation Men’s Tournament semifinal will also be held on Saturday. Hangman Page, who is returning to the show, will face Jay White in a bid to qualify for next Wednesday’s finals where he will face Bryan Danielson.

Page returned to AEW as Jeff Jarrett’s surprise wildcard opponent in the Owen quarterfinals.

Toni Storm, the Women’s World Champions, will also be competing in Saturday’s Collision. She will face Trish Adora.

The announced card for the Saturday, July 6 AEW Rampage:

  • MJF kicks off the show
  • Owen Hart Foundation men’s tournament semifinals: Hangman Page vs. Jay White
  • Toni Storm vs. Trish Adora

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